Medieval Phrygian helmet 13th century

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  • Regular price £250.00
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The illustrious and rare sought after Phrygian helmet.

Famous in 12th and 13th century finds, these babies can be made with the typical normanish face plate or without.

Made in 2.3mm mild steel they are made to withstand full blows to the head, and are ideal for such time periods of reenactment.

This piece is a perfect piece for people wanting a Museum quality product.

Made from 2.3mm steel its ideal for Eastern & Huscarl.

The helm has been expertly put together to be one of the greatest and most authentic reconstructions around.

Made with leather harness inside, and chin strap, this is ready for battle and waiting for you!

With chainmail and protective details as shown in the picture

This is a Museum Quality helmet, designed with the highest specifications.

As a World Class top range reproduction, its hard to find better on the market.

Price includes:
1. 2.00-2.3mmmm Strong steel, the best thickness for Viking Combat / Medieval Norman Combat.
2. A full thick leather harness inside with chin strap.
3. The option to have No Maille, Half Maille (Sides and back, like in the pic)
Or full Maille covering face and all around.

Contact us for your helmet size / circumference, as we make these usually to fit your head specifically.